I would like to preempt this post by saying that 1. I am definitely not a food photographer (I took all these pics on my phone while I was cooking!) and 2. I realise this is probably the furtherest recipe away you can get for an authentic Chow Mein, but this is the name I made up, so I'm going with it!
When I was a child, my mum used to make a very similar meal to this using a packet of chicken noodle soup, and then the piece de resistance was raisins (YUCK!) added in at the end. She named it Chow Mein mince or something similar. I actually really liked it apart from the raisins! So I think that had something to do with me making up this recipe!
I guess it was one of those nights where we hadn't planned what to have for dinner and all we had in the cupboard was a box of Rice Risotto, and some beef mince. I had the great idea of putting them both together and adding a few veges to keep it a bit healthy and also make it go a bit further. This meal can easily feed four or more people or freeze for another dinner (it freezes really well). It's also a great throw together meal to make for other people as a different option to the standard lasagne!
1 box of diamond Rice Risotto, Chinese Flavour
500g premium beef mince
2 cups mixed vegetables of your choice fresh or frozen
1. Make the Risotto as per the instructions on the box.
2. While the risotto is simmering and cooking, brown the mince in a separate fry pan. Drain off excess fat as it cooks.
3. Cook the veges. Either microwave, boil or stir fry- whichever suits your vegetable mix. I used microwave as I use a frozen mix.
4. Add the cooked mince and vegetables to the rice. Mix until you have a nice even mixture.
Eat and enjoy!

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