
Saturday 7 December 2013

Things I'm Loving: Christmas 2013

Everyone loves Christmas! Here are a few things I'm loving about Christmas this year.

New lights! We used to just have one set of white lights on our tree, but this year decided to get some coloured ones. They look so amazing I can't believe we only had white lights the last 5 years!

How awesome do they look at night time?!

Old stockings! You might have seen this on my instagram feed. This is a very special handmade stocking that my mum made when I was a child. My sister has a very similar one with a slightly different design. I don't know how old they are, at least 20 years now I'd say, and starting to look their age, but it makes me love them even more! I'd really love to make one for my little boy, I've seen them here, but I just don't have that level of needlework skill to make it as beautiful as it should be. 

The green stocking was made for my son by his great-grandmother who passed away this October. So his stocking now takes on some special significance too. 
The slightly tacky red velvet boot is a relic from my childhood. It used to get pulled out every year sort of as a joke that Santa left one of his boots behind. I have no idea where it came from but now it's become part of our Christmas decorations. 

Discovering new decorations! I'm loving this little wooden tree that is new for this year. I *think* someone gave this too me last Christmas, but I totally forgot about it. I have a bit of a collection of different trees, so it fits in beautifully!

And a new star to top the tree! I personally prefer a star on the top of the tree, and decided we needed a fresh one this year. So I went for a big glittery one and I think it looks brilliant!

I'm also loving how much more my little boy is into Christmas this year! This is his third Christmas even though he's only two, and it's amazing the difference compared to last year. Last Christmas he couldn't even walk yet! This year I decided to do a Santa Sack for him, so I'm really looking forward to seeing him open it on Christmas morning. 


  1. Gorgeous post of Christmas loveliness! Those stockings and the lovely stories behind them are so precious. Have a very fun time :-)

  2. Christmas is so much more exciting when you have children! I'm reliving that anticipation all over again!

  3. It's scary how much I can identify with this post - I just went out and bought new coloured lights yesterday so SNAP! Plus we have almost the same star on the top of our tree - but ours is gold - AND we have that little snowman decoration with the kids names on - great minds huh! And the stocking with your name on is lush - love that you still have it - and last but not least I love the new blog header - very festive!

    1. Funny Meg! Our neighbours have the same lights too!
