Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Coconut Walnut Truffles

As you may already know (or guessed) by the other recipes on my blog, I stick to mostly old fashioned home baking and treats. We don't have any food allergies or intolerances in my family, so I basically cook whatever takes my fancy. I am however, happy to cater to anyone else's dietary requirements. If I am visiting someone or having a friend over, I'm more than happy to make something that they can eat. 

This recipe I came across while I was cutting up the Wiggles magazine to make this garland. I was quite surprised to find this recipe and see that it was not only easy to make, but yummy sounding too. Maybe it's just me, but I don't generally expect to find many adult friendly (i.e. food adults will eat) recipes in a children's magazine!

Saturday, 23 August 2014

D.I.Y Paper Heart Garland Tutorial

Two things I need to say before this post: 1. I realise not everyone will like Wiggles Themed ideas (please use your imagination to think of something you would like) 2. This is home handicraft idea and therefore it has that certain homemade "je ne sais quoi" (looks like a 5 year old made it) to it! Just go with it...

Thursday, 21 August 2014

Work in Progress: Felt Christmas Stocking Part 1

If you've been following me on Instagram, you may have seen that I've started to make my son's Christmas stocking. I started now, because I don't know how long it's going to take me, and I want to be finished before Christmas! 

I bought the kit last Christmas in the after-Christmas sales. I got it out of the packet and looked and all the pieces and then stuck it straight back in! You may have seen last Christmas that I have the same type of stocking myself. The stocking I'm making for Lucas is the exact same brand! My very crafty Mum made one for my sister and I. They have to be at LEAST 20+ years old as I remember having them when we lived in Auckland. This is one instance where I really wish Mum was still here as I could definitely use some advice on hand stitching and embroidery. This is part of the reason why it's taken me 7 or 8 months to start the stocking as I'm a bit afraid! Hand sewing is absolutely not my forte! 

I'm currently up to Step 4...of *gulp* 57. I'm taking it as slowly and carefully as I can to get everything right. The hardest part by far, and I think of the entire project was the personalising of the name. The pattern was for a red coloured thread but I thought I would make it special and go for that metallic thread is a pain to sew with! What I finished up with is by no means perfect, but all the same I'm proud of what I'm doing. I'll keep you posted as go.

Recipe: Honey Jumbles aka Rice Krispie Treats

Once upon a time, someone gave my sister a Kid's Microwave cookbook. It had some great recipes in it, for example, how to make scrambled eggs (!) And like most of the other cookbooks we had at home growing up, we only ever used the sweet section! I kept the book for awhile but really only so I could have this recipe. We gave the book to the Salvation Army store awhile ago, but I tore out the page with this recipe on it! (Incidentally there is a good recipe for meringues on the other side!!)

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Why I Write & introducing Miss Dotty!

I was nominated TWICE to write this piece on why I write, so I thought I'd really better get on to it! If you're interested in the origin of these writing prompts, head over here. It's quite hard to write about yourself, so firstly I'm giving a bit of a blurb about the two gorgeous ladies who nominated me! 

Monday, 11 August 2014

Finished Projects: Square Circle Granny Blanket

I shared a sneak peek of this blanket a while ago here. I meant to do an update but I thought I would rather just do a proper post once it was all completed. You might notice that the original squares changed! I dropped out the purple squares as I didn't like the way they looked once I was arranging them altogether. So this is the new and updated version!